953 Marechal Fiuza de Castro Avenue, Jardim Pinheiros, Sao Paulo, SP
+55(11) 3731 - 3177

Corn Exports

Corn exports are an essential activity on the global agricultural scene, playing a crucial role in the world economy and food security. Corn, as one of the main agricultural commodities, is widely grown in many countries and is in increasing demand for use in human food, animal feed and industry.

With the growing demand for corn-based products, such as biofuels and processed foods, corn exports have expanded significantly. Countries such as the United States, Brazil and Argentina are the main producers and exporters of corn, providing a substantial part of the global supply to international markets.

Corn exports play a vital role in food security, providing an important source of calories and nutrients for millions of people around the world. In addition, corn is a key raw material for many industries, including the production of biofuels, plastics and chemicals.

Strengthening international trade in corn is therefore essential to ensure access to food and essential raw materials, promote economic development and sustain farming communities. By meeting the growing global demand for corn-based products, corn exports play a crucial role in the global economy and food security.

Interested in working with Vensa?

Our team has over 20 years' experience in marketing food internationally.